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時間:2021-12-09 17:45:01 作者:管理員

  金融翻譯是翻譯公司重要的一個項目,根據語言形式的不同有不同的處理方式, 下面跟著小編了解一下金融翻譯過程中有怎樣的技巧?

  Financial translation is an important project of the translation company. There are different ways to deal with it according to the different language forms. Let's follow the editor to learn about the skills in the process of financial translation?


  1. Avoid professional Mistranslation

  金融專業術語的翻譯尤其要反對“不懂裝懂”的風氣, 翻譯者如果僅僅從詞典的意義中去檢索, 很可能造成誤譯, 輕則鬧笑話, 重則帶來經濟上的巨大損失。

  In particular, the translation of financial terms should be opposed to the fashion of "pretending to understand what you don't understand". If the translator only searches from the meaning of the dictionary, it is likely to cause mistranslation, light jokes, heavy economic losses.


  2. Grasp the meaning of words in a special context

  另一種是并非金融語體所獨有的術語, 它們可以出現在其它語體中, 但在金融語體中, 有其確切的含義, 例如: acqu ire (獲得, 取得——常用意義) , (購進, 兼并——金融專業意義) ; po licy (方針, 政策——常用意義) , (保險單——金融專業意義)。這一類詞, 看起來象常用詞, 但是在非常語境里, 它們具有非常的金融術語意義。

  The other is a term not unique to the financial style, which can appear in other styles, but in the financial style, it has its exact meaning, such as: acqu uire (acquisition, acquisition - common meaning), (acquisition, merger - financial professional meaning); po licy (Policy - common meaning), (insurance policy - financial professional meaning). This kind of words may look like common words, but in a very special context, they have a very significant meaning of financial terms.


  3. Literal translation of special terms

  金融語體是比較正式的語體。它的正式性主要體現在金融術語的運用上。金融術語大致可以分為兩種, 一種是金融特有的術語, 它們僅出現在或絕大多數情況下出現在金融語體中。

  Financial style is a more formal style. Its formality is mainly reflected in the use of financial terms. Financial terms can be roughly divided into two types, one is unique to finance, they only appear or most of them appear in the financial style.

China International Translation service Co., Ltd.

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